Outstanding support is the foundation of our company. In fact, we dedicate more than half our resources to support, and we make support a priority over all other work.
This page describes the new features that we have added to our most recent release of each product.
Since this page only lists out changes in the most recent release, older releases are not included here.
You can see a complete list of changes in the Release Notes that is included with the software.
If you would like more information about these features, or if you have any questions, please contact us
at sales@classapps.com.
SelectSurvey.NET v5: Recently Added Features (Version v5.058.005)
- Added 15 new responsive theme templates
- New email triggers in take survey workflow and ActiveLogic.
- New completion date range report filters for data exports
- New user role that can only edit surveys.
- New bulk email de-activation page.
- Added 25 new custom report filters.
- Added minimum character length to open ended one line question type options on edit page.
- Added filename format to custom report review list.
- Added CC option to ActiveLogic email list single email with everyone in to field.
- Added page break option on individual response print all page
- Added tracking of modify survey history
- Added visio vsd,vsdx,pptx files to accepted file types to magic number check.
- Added logging to track who clears responses to error log in admin tools.
- Added additional custom text for "survey not live" to the survey options
- Added ability to choose pixels or percent on comments box width on edit item page
- Added new methods to API for salesforce lightening component
- Added fonts to font picker
- Added minutes and seconds to timer feature
- Added search box for admin search of files uploaded to file system.
- Added survey timer timed out message text to survey options custom text page
- Allow token rendering in email trigger conditions
- Added opt out export and manual add buttons
- Added opt out delete of test opt outs
- Added search feature to edit folder page
- Added ability to change decline text from survey options on all pages, buttons, validation.
- Added Order Answers Alphabetically button to edit item page.
- Added validation option to AD login to prevent email address
- Added option to export empty responses
- Automatically clear other textbox when radio button or checkbox deselected
- Added force password reset days
- New Choice One answer smiley question type.
- Added search to email list
- Feature to put new copied survey into the users default folder if they have one
- Feature to automatically set user to not active if active until date feature is on and date has passed
- Added template selection option on create survey page.
- Update new templates to set size of text in input boxes and dropdowns
- New feature for moving item answers up and down
- New bulk zip download feature
- Added file system file management button
- Added automatic saving of last data export settings on each export.
- Fix for rich text box validation mode of open ended comments box
- Update for Active Directory group owners restriction configuration
- Update for Active Directory group owners
- update for matrix single choice options skip conditions for equals operator with multiple conditions in single group
- Added right to left text template
- Fix for international dates converting to user time preferences in export
- Added help text for right and left text for matrix rating scale slider
- Update Workfront API from v6 to v9 per Workfront API release
- Updated peUpdated performance for hide conditions, page conditions, and pipe token rendering
- Personal time zone preference to export
- Added more translation of custom dashboard text
- Added ability to customize service ticket text in custom dashboard
- Added iphone, ipad, current browser previews to preview dropdown on modify survey page
- Added more GDPR help text to application wide settings
- Added custom dashboard settings to user preferences page
- Added page conditions for new touch buttons question type.
- Added multiple response resumable option
- Added page condition inequality operators for number slider, touch slider, matrix rating scale and matrix rating scale slider
- Added GDPR guidelines to create survey and deploy survey page
- Added guided tour help
SelectSurvey.NET Prior updates to Discontinued Version (Version v4.165.026)
- Added integration with Workfront Project API
- Added tracking of survey changes to individual questions
- Added ability to use tokens for row and column totals validation for matrix textboxes questino type
- Added check for Tokens in Item Minimum and Maximum values
- Added new question type: TOUCH - Single Choice Buttons (this is for mobile/kiosk/touch pads which shows a large touch button)
- Added new poll features to change bar graph colors
- Added soft (warning/confirmation) validation in addition to the existing "required" validation.
- Added word cloud charts to custom reports for open ended comments box, open ended one line, open ended one or more lines question types.
- Added new methods to API
- Added survey design approval to deploy page
- Added email templates feature to core survey (in addition to ActiveLogic)
- Added ability to call dynamically referenced web service in addition to remote database for "database" population question types.
- Added Active Directory user group owner selection on survey options page.
- Added option to custom reports for individual response report format versus grouped response report format
- New question type Matrix - Slider - Rating Scale (Numeric) HTML5 (and alternate js version for IE Browsers)
- New question thype Matrix - Icons - One ANswer Per Row
- New question type Choice - Single Select Icons
- New template added wtih html5 range slider CSS and icon hover/focus/selected CSS effects for icon question types.
- New image thumbnails and remove image button on edit survey page for respondent file upload question type.
- New ability to add email attachment to automatic respondent survey completion email.
- New ability to upload PDF Form, and map question answers to acro fields for automatic PDF population in FreeForm Report.
- New added ability to launch survey without any answerable questions (i.e. for landing page, etc.).
- New Active Directory SSO and NTLM combo login type.
- New ability to set default new user activation days.
- New added ability to inlude logoff button on all survey pages instead of just the last page.
- New added search box to owner users, restricted AD user groups, owner user groups on survey options page.
- New added database checkbox and option buttons question type that populates from database query.
- New Digital Signature question type.
- New hide/show questions in same page based on other question answers, or tokens.
- New user workspace for users that have been invited to take surveys.
- New survey workflow assignment from ActiveLogic automatically assigns surveys to user workspace.
- New user workspace for reviewers to review and comment on surveys and kick back to the user respondent.
- New ability to set look and feel of user workspace and login page from the admin tools.
- New complete translation and globalization of admin area as well as surveys, and ability to edit text for every language from admin tools.
- New dynamic row matrix question type that allows file upload.
- New auto sum column, auto sum row with total validation for matrix textbox features.
- New dynamic token features to trigger page conditions or question conditions.
- New responsive template options for mobile/tablet/projector
- New mobile/table/browser touchscreen question types.
- New touchscreen clicable image maps question type.
- New HTML5 number slider question type.
- New report share and user management login roles.
- New ability to assign a user as a reviewer and to assign reviewers to users.
- New single choice database query question type
- New multiple choice database query question type
- New 3D pie rendering in all reports, custom, free form, and overviews.
- New spider graphs in free form reports.
- New Gamp reports in free form reports.
- New ISO reports in free form reports.
- New Question Category/Practice level reports in free form reports.
- New ability to assign questions to groups or categories for 360 reports.
- New abiity to import questions from a CSV file into a survey.
- New gauge chart for custom reports.
- New 360 report logic from question category, points in free form reports.
- New ability to place tokens for pre-formatted, automatically calculated spider, pie, tabular charts in free form reports based on question categories and points assignment.
- New PDF capability in free form reports.
- New toolbox on the top of free form reports for filtering by respondent (in addition to the regular free form report filters)
- New toolbox on the top of free form reports which allows PDF and Print and Export to Word which automatically hides during print/pdf functions.
- New dynamic row matrix question type that allows recipients to select number of rows, and rows dynamically display according to selection.
- New asynchronous file upload feature.
- New support for .NET 4.5, older versions of .NET no longer supported in order to take adavantage of new security features and charting controls.
- New support for IE10 browser.
- xhtmlcomformance
- Added automatic copying of dynamic tokens when creating a survey from an existing survey.
- Added dynamic html5 support to open ended date question type depending on browser/platform
- Added HTML5 open ended touch number slider question type
- Added HTML5 touch clickable image map question type
- Updated browser detection logic
- Updated security to .NET 4.5
- Added new report share login role.
- Added ability for multiple custom math function tokens
- Added ability to use piping tokens in email subject line
- Added check all and uncheck all box on user list page
- updated install manual with additional AD integration information.
- Added account usage display of surveys created by month
- Removed maxlength of 25 on matrix text dropdown open ended column
- Added new option to hide points columns/rows in custom report configurator
- Added text other option display to custom reports
- Added description to question grouping
- Added copy question grouping to common survey copy functions
- Added list of prior uploaded files to take survey page when editing survey response
- Added grid for group editing of items for Gamp, ISO, and practice level
- Added question category drop down on edit item page
- Added ability to save comments on all questions when reviewing survey responses.
- Addition of gamp, iso, practice level from CSV import when creating new item
- Editing of 360 report settings on edit item page
- Added more debug text for multiple domain AD integration
- Added from email address to activelogic custom email page.
- Addition of page number to import questions from CSV feature.
- Ability to import special characters with import questions from CSV feature.
- New feature making it easier to add users to groups
- Added automatic synching of 360 Question categories upon question import from CSV
- Combined review/approval pages
- create level now has access to question import feature (previously only available to admin level)
- Added report filter button and current filter text to export report page.
- Added example xlxs and csv files to import question page.
- Added hyperlinks to images on analyze report page.
- New analyze page.
- Filtering custom reports when clicking from new analyze page.
- Filtering free form reports when clicking from new analyze page.
- Added token answer values to reports instead of showing or hiding token in question text
- Added filter for response status to email message detail page
- Added export to excel for exporting email message response details
- Added new tokens to all token menus
- Print survey now does not print question numbers if question numbering is turned off in survey options.
- Feature added to hide domain drop down box if only one domain specified in config.
- Added feature to update item answer text when converting question type of question that has responses
- Added feature to update point values when converting question type of question that has responses
- Updated custom report dropdown options for matrix
- Added new completion report filter
- Additional storage of user domain when ActiveDirectory integration is on
- Ability to use takesurveyreview page for new responses for automation.
- New feature Convert Question Type to change matrix with responses to choice options while mapping existing responses to new answer options.
- Added Set Response as Completed checkbox to the Survey Review page.
- Added button for editing response in single page or in take survey
- Added page to view global opt outs
- Changed color picker on edit template page, key press has the old 508 color picker, onclick has tinymce color picker.
- Preselection of image map highlights when updating answers in survey
- Dynamically generate javasript to preselect image maps from answer_text when going back and forth in survey
- Added new spell checker to edit item page. (this has been removed due to everyone using the browser spell checker now and difficulty for users downloading spell check libraries for different languages.)
- Enabled image tags in the rich html editor used on edit item page
- Added Continue button token replacement on redirect URL.
- Added ability for multiple domains in domain drop down box for AD integration
- New feature matrix one answer per row cell piping tokens
- Added survey search filter to also filter by username for admin users.
- 508 compliance updates for JAWS screenreaders
- Added prepopulation feature to matrix textboxes and help text to the edit item page for examples.
- Added search/filter box to survey list page.
- Add ability to display only sum extra column to right or only sum totals at bottom of matrix textbox question type.
- Added prepopulation of default sum total into total boxes (row totals only, not column totals).
- Added to matrix textbox question options to set sum total for rows or columns and have an extra row and column show for sum totals.
- Added new setting to application wide settings to set auto deletion of respondent uploaded files.
- Added ability to set default survey folder when adding a new user as admin.
- Added new files for mobile support and browser detection
- New single page edit for admin edit of responses linked from individual response edit link.
- Added new touch jquery mobile framework for mobile/phone/ipad question types
- Added extra new custom data fields for user properties.
- Added RTF export
- Added automatic login page
- Added survey review feature
- Added translation text for open ended ranking item sub text
- Added login logging to ActiveDirectory logins.
- Added hidden field token page condition feature for 1st page.
- Added option to select "AND" or "OR" evaluation on ActiveLogic Operators within an Operator Set.
- New number format masking for dollars, euros, decimal, and other number formats.
- New question validation and ability to use RegEx pattern matching.
- Serialization of entire application for web farms/clusters.
- New free-form reports with text replacement tokens.
- Ability to default date question type to current date.
- Secondary question to question validation.
- Score rating averages added to results overview and exports.
- Survey editing locking (can be globally turned on or off).
- IP Address hiding (can be globally turned on or off).
- New "skip to end" and "skip to page" page conditions.
- New matrix combo/flex text/dropdown question type.
- New respondent file upload question type.
- Ability to add video and audio files to a survey.
- New ability to add scores in matrix question types.
- Added authentication and SSL option to email sending.
- New Graphical Charts, Pie and Bar Graph options configurable in survey options page.
- Now supports 3.5 or greater .NET Framework!
- Integrated Email List Data Export -- Data from email lists can now be merged into the data export files.
- Advanced Piping -- Answer values can now be piped into the lists of answers for subsequent questions.
- Advanced Administration Tools -- The .NET version now contains a set of administration tools to help with configuration, installations, and sending of emails.
- New UPN Login Feature -- Users can login with their Active Directory email address (optional).
- Automatic Active Directory Synchronization -- This is an optional ability to have Active Directory user data automatically synched into our application's user database.
- Detailed Respondent Reports -- Ability to view all reports related to a particular user.
- Enhanced Security -- The .NET version now has the optional ability to encrypt the connection string in web.config file.
- Resumable Surveys -- A new option that allows a user to return and complete a survey without modifying any previously submitted results.
- New Print Options -- Ability to print entire survey, or individual pages of survey.
- New Survey Completion Options -- Survey completion option that allows survey taker to print their response after completing the survey.
- New Survey Folders -- Survey folders allow grouping of surveys and ownership of survey groups.
- SPSS Condensed export option has new option to export values instead of text responses. Also allows export of single response questions into one column instead of separate columns.
- New Print Options: Ability to print results overview report in format specified in survey options page.
- New Reports: Ability to compare response counts between surveys.
- SQL Injection protection.
- Ability to encrypt connection string in web.config.
- Ability to restrict login to only authenticated users.
- Ability to use Active Directory and still gather anonymous responses.
- Application uses forms authentication.
- Unlimited number of page condition groups.
- Works in Firefox, IE and other popular browsers.
- User Groups and survey restriction by User Group.
- Kiosk Mode which displays list of surveys.
- The .NET version contains all features of SelectSurveyASP Advanced, version 8.2.0 plus all of the new features listed above!