Welcome! Click here to login. SelectSurvey.NET v5.070.004 Released on 3/23/2025.

Support Ticket

All support issues require a customer ID as proof of purchase so that we can promptly answer your technical support questions. If you cannot find your customer ID, there is a forgot password page on the customer login page which will look up and send you your customer ID. If you still cannot find it, email us the company name, company address that purchased the software including the email address and date it was purchased.

To check when your paid support expires, check the "expiration date" on your customer account page. To renew support click the "renew" button next to the expiration date in your customer account page.

If you need assistance with any of our applications, please submit a support ticket using the form below. We'll get back to you right away!

Please fill out the form below as completely as possible. If you would also like to send us a screenshot or a copy of your database, please send them to us at tech@classapps.com.

We look forward to helping you!