Welcome! Click here to login. SelectSurvey.NET v5.070.004 Released on 3/23/2025.

SelectSurvey.NET API

Survey software built using Microsoft's cutting-edge .NET technology

Survey Software




Advanced Integration Built in to SelectSurvey.NET

SelectSurvey.NET has built in integrations with many 3rd party software tools, in addition to the SelectSurvey.NET API, making it even easier to work with your favorite tools.

SelectSurvey.NET takes API to the next level!

Workfront Integration

  • No programming required! View PDF
  • All configuration via the interface!
  • Automatically populate project workfront issues from survey responses.
  • Contact Sales to obtain case study for this solution.
  • Push survey response data into Project Workfront via Project Workfront's API
  • Create Workfront Issues dynamically based on survey response answers.
  • Map survey questions to Workfront issue fields via the interface.

SalesForce Integration

  • Pull data from Salesforce into SelectSurvey.NET
  • Push data to Salesforce from SelectSurvey.NET
  • Automate sending survey links via Salesforce
  • Automate populating Salesforce from survey responses.

SugarCRM Integration

  • Pull data from SugarCRM into SelectSurvey.NET
  • Push data to SugarCRM from SelectSurvey.NET
  • Automate sending survey links via SugarCRM
  • Automate populating SugarCRM from survey responses.

Survey Software

Collect Data That Matters

Over 30 different question types, ability to upload files, images, digital signature, open ended text, etc.

Automatic Translations

Ability to translate into 64 languages automatically using the Google Translate API


Integrate with many popular 3rd party applications such as SalesForce, Workfront, SugarCRM and others.

Survey Template Designer

Create unlimited look and feel templates for your surveys

Security and Privacy

Safe and secure, data is private and never resold.


Visually appealing dynamic graphs, reports including ability to export to Excel and SPSS and PDF.

Advanced Logic

Skip Logic, Hide/Show conditions, branching and page looping


Email and Phone support options, self-help knowledgebase and help/training documentation

Unlimited Surveys, Responses, Questions

No limits on surveys, questions, or responses.